Hi i have been using an IDE but now I need to run and compile from the command line.
The problem is that I have multiple packages and I have tried to find the answer but nothing has worked.
So I have
Support/ (.java files)
Me/ (.java files)
Wrapers/ (.java files)
Do you know how to compile everything with javac?
In many cases Ant is overkill. Just use a BAT file if you are in windows or a shell script (sh file) if you are in linux. You can create a text file which includes all your javac commands and just run that file when you want to build.
For example, I use the following bat file to build one of my apps:
If you really need to just use javac and standard UNIX commands you could to this:
The real answer is javac -d (places where classes to be built and placed) -sourcepath (source of the package at the root) -cp (classpath of the dependencies which can again be classes folder where the classes are build and kept) full qualified name of the java file.
Ex javac -d classes -sourcepath src -cp classes src\com\test\FirstSample.java
The FirstSample.java contains the main method. Pacjage structure mentioned below.
Before compiling
------com\test\FirstSample.java (First Sample using the FirstPojo.java)
After compiling
------com\test\FirstSample.java (FirstSample.java using the FirstPojo.java)
------com\test\FirstSample.class (FirstSample.class using the FirstPojo.class)
You should use build tools like Maven or Ant for such tasks.
In the initial stages, when the project is not very complex you can use the following line to compile, with appropriate classpath in place(as suggested by @Michael):
javac Support/*.java Me/*.java Wrapers/*.java
This should do it (may require additional classpath elements via the
command line switch):But if your build process gets more complex (and it will!), you should look into using Apache Ant for build automation.