Here's what I am trying to do, but failing miserably:
I am trying to retrieve address from a column that is 12000+ characters long. Lucky for me, I can locate the address line1 through XML tag:
<PermanentAddress> <AddressLine><![CDATA[1234 1st street]]></AddressLine> <City>
Here's what I have done so far:
substring(PC.css_record, CHARINDEX('<AddressLine>', PC.css_record)+ 21, CHARINDEX('</AddressLine>', PC.css_record))
I tried squeezing length function in there too to calculate the length end of my substring function, but that just gave me an error (may be because I am new to SQL and still learning and used it wrong).
Also, there are multiple tags, but I am only concerned with the first one.
It would be very awesome if someone could help me out!
You found the beginning:
CHARINDEX('<AddressLine>', PC.css_record) + 21
and the end:
CHARINDEX('</AddressLine>', PC.css_record) - 3
,now you just need to compute the length by subtracting the beginning from the end:
CHARINDEX('</AddressLine>', PC.css_record) - CHARINDEX('<AddressLine>', PC.css_record) - 24
Try this :