i am a newbie in prolog, i want to read a file which actually contains CLASS Definition - using Prolog DCG Rule. But i am stuck in between now..
My input text (linessample.txt)
class component {
Real V, I, R;
V = I * R;
constructors component(V1, I1, R1) {
V = V1; I = I1; R = R1;
I want to read the above sample text using DCG Rule in prolog... I have written one sample code.. but i am not getting the first word "class" in the output
:- use_module(library(pio)).
%classrule(Z) -->class,letter(X),letters(L),{name(Z,[X|L])}.
classrule(Z) -->"class ",classname(X),"{",{name(Z,X)}.
letter(X)-->[X], {alpha(X)}.
alpha(X) :- X > 64, X < 91.
alpha(X) :- X > 96, X < 123.
how to run this
There are two main problems with your program: 1. You do not allow for a space to occur between classname/1 and "{". Since in practice multiple spaces (and horizontal tabs) may occur here, I have used
from librarydcg/basics
. 2.phrase_from_file/2
tries to parse the entire input document, whereas your grammar only covers the first line (i.e., the class name). This is solved by skipping the rest of the file. I use'...'//0
and theneos//0
for this.Then there are some minor things: 1. Clauses of
are not placed consecutively in the code file. I have relocated one clause but you can also add the declarations:- discontiguous(letters//1).
at the top of your program. 2. I have usedcode_type/2
to check for alphabetic characters.The resultant code, updated after useful comments from mat:
Example of use: