I have a Node.js / Express app working, that receives routes like so:
app.get('/resource/:res', someFunction);
app.get('/foo/bar/:id', someOtherFunction);
This is great and works fine.
I am also using Socket.IO, and want to have some server calls use websockets instead of traditional RESTful calls. However, I want to make it very clean and almost use the same syntax, preferrably:
app.sio.get('/resource/:res', someFunction);
This will give a synthetic 'REST' interface to Socket.IO, where, from the programmer's perspective, he isn't doing anything different. Just flagging websockets: true
from the client.
I can deal with all the details, such as a custom way to pass in the request verbs and parse them and so and so, I don't have a problem with this. The only thing I am looking for is some function that can parse routes like express does, and route them properly. For example,
// I don't know how to read the ':bar',
// Or handle all complex routings, such as
I could dig in real deep and try to code this myself, or try to read through all of express' source code and find where they do it, but I am sure it exists by itself. Just don't know where to find it.
robertklep provided a great answer which totally solved this for me. I adapted it into a full solution, which I posted in an answer below.
You can use the Express router class to do the heavy lifting:
You can obviously pass in extra data with the request and pass that to your route handlers as well (as an extra parameter for example).
robertklep provided a great answer which totally solved this for me. I adapted it into a full solution, which is below in case others want to do something similar:
Node (server side):
Client side:
Thanks for your help, robertklep!