I'm using AngularJS, UI-Grid (http://ui-grid.info/), and Bootbox for a project. What I'd like to do is have the user click a button on the screen, and bring up a dialog box where they select an item from a UI-Grid table.
I put together the simplest example I could make:
In this, I generate the dialog box HTML like this:
var tplCrop = '<div ng-controller="MyTableDialogCtrl">{{ someText }}' +
'<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-pagination class="grid"></div>' +
var template = angular.element(tplCrop);
var linkFn = $compile(template);
var html= linkFn($scope);
If you click the "My Dialog" button, a dialog comes up, and there is a region for the table, but it's empty. The "someText" value proves my Angular $compile is doing what it should.
If you uncomment the commented section, you'll see that the UI-Grid mechanics also seem to be working properly. But, for some reason, the UI-Grid doesn't want to render inside the dialog.
Any ideas? I'm really stumped.
Thanks, John
In the modal tutorial it mentions that the bootstrap modals seem to run animations on initial render, and that this causes the grid problems with getting an accurate size.
I noted that in your plunker when I open the chrome debugger the grid shows up - indicating that it's a sizing issue of one sort or another.
I can get it to show in the above plunker by using a $timeout of 1s, and a handleWindowResize. Usually I can get away with a lot less than 1s, but in this case at 100ms it didn't work.
I'd have to say I'd be uncomfortable with a timeout this long, as it may turn out that different browsers and devices run different speeds, so you'll end up with an intermittent app. You could however consider a $interval that runs every 100ms for the first 3 seconds after window open.....that probably would cover most situations.