I have a timezone of the user(he chooses it from a list) I have a time in UTC(not current time) So I need something like GetTimeForRegion(time, timezone) for PHP. Is there such functions or libraries or services?
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please write this instead :
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , time());
so Y it means year
m means month
d means day H get hours from 0 - 24
h get hours from 0 to 12 i get minutes
s get seconds
you can use DateTime::setTimezone(). If your UTC date is an UNIX timestamp, you can use some code like this :
date('r') or date('c') may help you.
echo date('r')
printsThu, 16 Feb 2011 16:01:07 +0200
echo date('c')
You need to look at the Date/Time API in PHP. I strongly advise you to stay away of gmdate and older date functions in php.
In your case, you should ask the user for its Olson based time zone.
The code of Artefact2 will do the trick.