I need to create joint between two bodies in layer. Joints are to be added in physics world. How can i access physics world in layer?
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My JavaScript implementation. Hope it will help.
you have four options:
1)- override Layer::onEnter() or onEnterTransitionDidFinish () methods then access from theme like this:
2)- create a custom Layer::createScene() method then access from Layer::init() like this:
3)- add a PhysicsWorld getter method to the director (involves some library code customization's):
first go to CCDirector.h and then add a forward declaration of the scene class under NS_CC_BEGIN like this:
then go to the private section of the Director class and add these two lines like this:
then go to the public section of the Director class and add this getter method like this:
this is an overview of the changes made in CCDirector.h file:
so after that we go to CCScene.cpp into a method with this signature (bool Scene::initWithPhysics()) in it you will find a call to PhysicsWorld::construct(this) add just right after that method call this line:
and this should be the overview of what we did in CCScene.cpp:
now as soon as Scene::createWithPhysics() gets called anywhere the director will get a copy of the PhysicsWorld pointer which can be accessed using our director getWorld() method anywhere anytime!! (because the director is a singleton as you know) and thats all without exposing _myPhysicsWorld to the user meaning he can only read _myPhysicsWorld from the outside!!
4)- make your own Custom PhysicsWorld class and since PhysicsWorld::construct() is protected which means it can be easily inherited.
now you can use it like this:
remember that you can even make it a singleton class if you want to!
I forgot to mention that there is another good solution in here: