Well currently I have this:
<rich:fileUpload addLabel="Agregar" clearAllLabel="Quitar todos"
clearLabel="Quitar" deleteLabel="Quitar"
doneLabel="Completado" uploadLabel="Subir archivos"
acceptedTypes="txt, csv"
<a4j:ajax event="uploadcomplete" render="validationButton"/>
<a4j:ajax event="clear" listener="#{uploadBean.doClearFilesList}"
On the backing bean I have a list of the files uploaded. When I click on Clear/Clear all
button the event clear
is fired and the method doClearFilesList
(which just clears the list of files uploaded) is perfectly when the user hits the Clear All
button, but If the user clicks on Clear
button It should just delete the item on the list corresponding to the file cleared.
What can I do on my UploadBean.doClearFilesList
method to delete a single file from the list? Should be something like:
public void doClearFilesList(){
files.clear(); //when CLEAR ALL is clicked
files.remove(oneFile); //when CLEAR is clicked
validationButtonRendered = false;
Any idea?
RichFaces 4.1.0 Final JSF Mojarra 2.1.6 Tomcat 7
I am not clear at which point you failed to run the sample described at https://community.jboss.org/message/727544#727544
However I hope following would work for you which is very similar to above sample.
Add "onclear" attribute to your <rich:fileUpload/> component and call a <a4j:jsFunction/> and pass the file name to it as below.
Your <a4j:jsFunction/> should be as below.
Inside the listener method you can access the file name as below.