I am new in YII. Trying to implement the query in controller, Below is my code which has taken from controller.
public function getCommentListByUser($user_id)
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = "username";
$criteria->alias = "u";
$criteria->condition = 'cmt.commented_userd_id = '.$user_id;
$criteria->join = 'JOIN tbl_taskcomment cmt ON (cmt.commented_userd_id = u.id)';
$criteria->order = 'cmt.id ASC';
$model = User::model()->findAll($criteria);
return $model;
when i ran the page, I got the following error,
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT id, username, email, createtime, lastvisit, superuser, status FROM tbl_users
JOIN tbl_taskcomment cmt ON (cmt.commented_userd_id = u.id) WHERE cmt.commented_userd_id = 1 ORDER BY cmt.id ASC
Instead fetching username from USER table,it comes with all column with out alias name. I knew this issue related with alias name. What i done wrong on this syntax as well as code.
Kindly advice
You maybe have id column in both the tables. If you need columns from table
you should use alias to get each column:And your WHERE condition should be:
$criteria->select = "username" to ==> $criteria->select = "u.username"
$criteria->alias = "u" and change $criteria->select = "username" to ==> $criteria->select = "t.username" and change all left join alias 'u.field_name' to ==> 't.field_name'
I guess I faced some problems with aliases in
.Can you try default alias (which is
)?This should help you: