There are a few suggested solutions to the problem of modifying an already existing sheet in an excel file that contains several sheets: How to save a new sheet in an existing excel file, using Pandas? and, but neither of the proposed solutions actually work. They either add extra sheets of replace all other sheets. I've made the function below that does the trick but it is very roundabout and pretty bad way to solve the problem. Are there any ideas on how to do this better?
def modify_sheet(file_name,sheet_to_change,new_sheet):
"""Add or modify sheets in an excel book
file_name (str): Name of the xlsx file
sheet_to_change (str): Name of the sheet in question
new_sheet (pd.DataFrame): The new dataframe
with pd.ExcelWriter(file_name, engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
df = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheetname=None, header=None, skiprows=0)
if sheet_to_change not in df.keys():
keys = list(df.keys())
keys = df.keys()
for key in keys:
if sheet_to_change == key:
new_sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str(key), header= False, index =False)
df[key].to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str(key), header= False, index =False)
file_name = "blub.xlsx"
sheet_to_change = 'DKSheet1'
new_sheet = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(20,6))