I have this sql query that it's all working fine but i want to parse the 'where part' using a parameter (@ged) when i try this in sql it work fine..but i can't get it working in crystal report or sql reporting service in this query ..@J_Sec is a parameter and @ged is the rest of the where statment
CREATE proc [dbo].[con]
@J_Sec as nvarchar(255),
@ged as varchar(max)
declare @sql as varchar(max)
set @sql='
(case when c.Age_18_24=1 then ''18-24'' when c.Age_25_29=1 then ''25-29'' when c.Age_30_39=1 then ''30-39''
when c.Age_40_Above=1 then ''40-above'' else null end)AS "Age",c.status
from consumer c
inner join dbo.Journey j on c.JOURNEY_SEQUENCE=j.JOURNEY_SEQUENCE
inner join Teams t on j.Team_id=t.Team_id where c.journey_sequence= '+@J_Sec+' and '+@ged;
You may find that Crystal Reports sniffs the SP for it's output signature. As it doesn't acutally have one (as it's hidden inside the @sql string), Crystal isn't showing anything.
That, however, is a guess, as I haven't used Crystal in many years. You can test it by binding to this SP and checking to see if you ever get any results...
If you're getting nothing from this, you appear to have little choice but to refactor your design in a more traditional way; Treating SP's like you would a method in an Object - An input signature taking values, not code, and having a fixed output signature.
If your @ged parameter equals what it says in your comment, then why not abandon the sql string approach and use:
EDIT for extra parameters
Alternatively you could try using exec sp_executesql.