If I create an application on my Mac, is there any way I can get it to run on an iPhone without going through the app store?
It doesn't matter if the iPhone has to be jailbroken, as long as I can still run an application created using the official SDK. For reasons I won't get into, I can't have this program going through the app store.
After copying the the app to the iPhone in the way described by @Jason Weathered, make sure to "chmod +x" of the app, otherwise it won't run.
You can use AppBox, A mac application that uses your dropbox account to distribute you ad-hoc and enterprise apps, if you want to install form any other browser.
Archive and Upload IPA
Upload IPA Only
Will be available in future versionAppBox vs Diawi
Upload IPA
Archive and Upload IPA
Uploading IPA
Give it a try here https://github.com/vineetchoudhary/AppBox-iOSAppsWirelessInstallation/releases
It's worth noting that if you go the jailbroken route, it's possible (likely?) that an iPhone OS update would kill your ability to run these apps. I'd go the official route and pay the $99 to get authorized. In addition to not having to worry about your apps being clobbered, you also get the opportunity (should you choose) to release your apps on the store.