I am working on a maintenance function which I want to get the latest version numbers(as strings) of all the popular CMS and store them into database.
I've done the wordpress part by send a HEAD request to "http://wordpress.org/latest" and get the versioin number string "3.8.1" from the filename "wordpress-3.8.1.tar.gz".
Now I am wondering how could I deal with Joomla, or if possible, magento.
Thanks in advance.
The official way of programmatically getting the latest Joomla version number (for each major version of the CMS) should be through their Joomla! Downloads API:
Try this,
For Long Term Support (LTS) branch -( Recommended) Stable release
Short term support (STS) branch
Testing versions.
All these XML files have link to their details zip files.
Hope it helps..