I'm trying to figure out how to use the sieve of eratosthenes to find the prime numbers from 1-300. I'm having trouble figuring it out, so any help would be nice! Btw, im new to programming so if you could keep it simple that would be best Below is my code (so far)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <simpio.h>
#include <genlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define max 301
bool is_prime[max];
int i, int1, j, n;
for(n=0; n<=max; n++);
is_prime[n]=TRUE; //set everything to prime
is_prime[0]=FALSE; //false = NOT prime
for(i=2; i<int1; i++); //multiply starting from 2 end at 17
for(j=i; j<=(max/i); j++); //number being multiplied by
is_prime[n]==FALSE; //all multiples of i are false
if (is_prime[n]=TRUE); //print all prime numbers
printf("%d", n);
Here is a sample implementation in c++:
In order to find the prime numbers from 1-300 you have to use a technique called sieve of Eratosthenes which is the most efficient way to find the prime number list from a given range.
Here is the Code:
You can have a look at the implementation here.
Sieve implementation:
And there is a blog written on Prime Numbers link.
Be inappropriate semicolon except that it has been already pointed out. E.g. Is not executed when the block such as the following intended
fix like this
yes, C# example - but near enough to convert
Results in: