Python rookie here! So, I have a data file which stores a list of bytes, representing pixel values in an image. I know that the image is 3-by-3 pixels. Here's my code so far:
# Part 1: read the data
data = []
file = open("test.dat", "rb")
for i in range(0, 9)
byte =
data[i] = byte
# Part2: create the image
image = PIL.Image.frombytes('L', (3, 3), data)'image.bmp')
I have a couple of questions:
In part 1, is this the best way to read a binary file and store the data in an array?
In part 2, I get the error "TypeError: must be string or read-only buffer, not list.
Any help on either of these?
Thank you!
Part 1
If you know that you need exactly nine bytes of data, that looks like a fine way to do it, though it would probably be cleaner/clearer to use a context manager and skip the explicit loop:
Part 2
According to the documentation, the data you must pass to
is:A list isn't a byte buffer, so you're probably wasting your time converting the input to a list. My guess is that if you pass it the byte string directly, you'll get what you're looking for. This is what I'd try:
Hopefully that helps; obviously I can't test it over here since I don't know what the content of your file is.
Of course, if you really need the bytes as a list for some other reason (doubtful--you can iterate over a string just as well as a list), you can always either convert them to a list when you need it (
datalist = list(data)
) or join them into a string when you make the call toPIL
:Part 3
This is sort of an aside, but it's likely to be relevant: do you know what version of
you're using? If you're using the actual, original Python Imaging Library, you may also be running into some of the many problems with that library--it's super buggy and unsupported since about 2009.If you are, I highly recommend getting rid of it and grabbing the Pillow fork instead, which is the live, functional version. You don't have to change any code (it still installs a module called
), but the Pillow library is superior to the originalPIL
by leaps and bounds.