I am using cucumber and trying to read row from my csv file based on scenario name.
Feature file :
Scenario Outline: Verify content of my probblem1
Scenario, Title1, Title2, Title3, Title4, Title5
Verify content of my probblem1, Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4, Text5,
Verify content of my probblem2, Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4, Text5,
The feature you are looking for is supported in gherkin with qaf. You can have examples in CSV/Excel/XML/json/DB
where your csv file may look like below:
You can refer documentation and step-by-step tutorial
The short answer is that reading CSV files from a Scenario written in Gherkin is not supported.
If you want to read data from an Excel file, you have to implement it yourself and call that functionality from your step. As @marit notices, Apache POI may be one option.