I´m currently working on a little programm witch displays pictures from a website in a little Swing GUI. The Problem is, that every time the picture changes a new frame pops up instead of refreshing the JLable.
I have no idea how to realize this after trying a few attempts with different methods.
It would be nice if you could give me a little hint.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PageReader extends JFrame {
JLabel picture;
static String[] viewable;
int counter;
static String urlString;
Image image;
URL url;
public PageReader(int pos) throws IOException
urlString = "http:"+viewable[pos];
url = new URL(urlString);
image = ImageIO.read(url);
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(image);
picture = new JLabel();
int breite = icon.getImage().getWidth(this);
int hoehe = icon.getImage().getHeight(this);
breite *= 0.75;
hoehe *= 0.75;
icon.setImage(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(breite, hoehe, image.SCALE_DEFAULT));
hoehe *= 1.2;
breite *=1.2;
icon.setImage(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(breite, hoehe, image.SCALE_DEFAULT));
icon.setImage(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(breite, hoehe, image.SCALE_DEFAULT));
JPanel anzeige = new JPanel();
anzeige.add(picture, BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String meineURL = "http://www.pr0gramm.com/static/";
URL url = new URL(meineURL);
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
// Kompletten Seiteninhalt auslesen
String line ="";
String quelltext ="";
while((line = br.readLine()) != null)
quelltext += line + "\r\n";
// Reader Schließen
String test = quelltext.substring(1708);
String[] parts = test.split("<a href=");
for(int i=1; i<parts.length; i++)
viewable = new String[parts.length];
for(int i = 1; i<(parts.length-1); i++)
String sitePath = "http://pr0gramm.com"+parts[i];
meineURL = sitePath;
url = new URL(meineURL);
isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
br = new BufferedReader(isr);
// Kompletten Seiteninhalt auslesen
line ="";
quelltext ="";
while((line = br.readLine()) != null)
quelltext += line + "\r\n";
CharSequence picPath = quelltext.subSequence(quelltext.indexOf("//img.pr0gramm.com/"), quelltext.indexOf("//img.pr0gramm.com/")+50);
viewable[i] = picPath.toString();
// Seiteninhalt ausgeben
System.out.println("\nLink-Counter: "+viewable.length);
new PageReader(4);
//System.out.println("\n \n \n Sub \n \n"+test);
for(int i = 1; i<viewable.length; i++)
url = new URL("http:"+viewable[i]);
new PageReader(i);
urlString = "http:"+viewable[i];
This is my current code.
I can't understand the variable naming conventions due to the different language.But, from what I can understand,I think u should not call
new PageReader()
on every update.Instead you should call something like
update(int pos)
This will ensure that the same
is reused instead of a new one being created.Also I don't think u should initialize a new
everytime,instead u should add theJLabel
to theJPanel
in your constructor and in theupdate
function, callpicture.setIcon(icon);
without creating a newJLabel
.Your constructor should look something like this :
The remaining part of code in your constructor should go to
Now in the main class, U should declare something like
Wherever U are using
new PageReader(4)
, u should usepr.update(4)
@MegaCleptomaniac, I am no expert on image stuff,so I think you should listen to what @MadProgrammer says about not using
Start by taking a look at Concurrency in Swing and Worker Threads and SwingWorker
You might also like to take a look at jsoup as using
etc to parse html is a really bad ideaSwing is single threaded, meaining your can't block the Event Dispatching Thread with blocking or long running processes (like
), but it is also not thread safe, meaning you shouldn't modify it from outside of EDT either.To this end,
presents a reasonable solution, as it can process the html and image downloading outside of the EDT, but provides a number of ways you can resync updates to the EDT.To start with, you need to be updating the
property and not creating new instances ofPageReader
, which is one of the (many) reasons we generally discourage people from extending fromJFrame
.Should also have a look at The try-with-resources Statement for better ideas on how to manage your resources
I didn't want to introduce more code into the example, but you should avoid using
if you can, see The Perils of Image.getScaledInstance() for more details.You can take a look at Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image and Quality of Image after resize very low -- Java for alternatives