I can't figure out if this is because of me, or the multiprocessing module that Python2.7 has. Can anyone figure out why this is not working?
from multiprocessing import pool as mp
class encapsulation:
def __init__(self):
self.member_dict = {}
def update_dict(self,index,value):
self.member_dict[index] = value
encaps = encapsulation()
def method(argument):
print encaps.member_dict
p = mp() #sets up multiprocess pool of processors
p.map(method,sys.argv[1:]) #method is the function, sys.argv is the list of arguments to multiprocess
print encaps.member_dict
So my question is just about member variables. It is my understanding that the class encapsulation should hold this dictionary inside and outside of the function. Why does it reset and give me an empty dictionary even though I have only initialized it once? Please help
Even though you are encapsulating the object, the multiprocessing module will end up using a local copy of the object in each process and never actually propagate your changes back to you. In this case, you are not using the Pool.map properly, as it expects each method call to return a result, which is then sent back up to your return value. If what you want is to affect the shared object, then you need a manager, which will coordinate the shared memory:
Encapsulating a shared object
I would suggest not really setting the shared object as the member attribute, but rather passing in as an arg, or encapsulating the shared object itself, and then passing its values into your dict. The shared object cannot be kept persistently. It needs to be emptied and discarded:
But this might even be better:
Using the pool.map as intended
If you were using the map to return values, it might look like this:
You would need to combine the results into your dict again: