USE YourDatabseName
SELECT AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
WHERE LIKE '%YourColumnName%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;
Only change YourDatbaseName to your database and YourcolumnName to your column name that you are looking for the rest keep it as it is.
select object_name(object_id) from sys.columns
where name like '%received_at%'
If you want the Schema Name as well (which in a lot of cases you will, as you'll have a lot of different schemas, and unless you can remember every table in the database and where it belongs this can be useful) run:
select OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id),object_name(object_id) from sys.columns
where name like '%received_at%'
and finally if you want it in a nicer format (although this is where the code (In my opinion) is getting too complicated for easy writing):
select concat(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id),'.',object_name(object_id)) from sys.columns
where name like '%received_at%'
note you can also create a function based on what I have:
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_tablecheck
--Scan through all tables to identify all tables with columns that have the provided string
--Stephen B
@name nvarchar(200)
SELECT CONCAT(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(object_id),'.',object_name(object_id)) AS [Table Name], name AS [Column] FROM sys.columns
WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%',@name,'%')
ORDER BY [Table Name] ASC, [Column] ASC
It is worth noting that the concat feature was added in 2012. For 2008r2 and earlier use + to concatenate strings.
I've re-formatted the proc a bit since I posted this. It's a bit more advanced now but looks a lot messier (but it's in a proc so you'll never see it) and it's formatted better.
This version allows you to have it in an administrative database and then search through any database. Change the decleration of @db from 'master' to whichever you want the default database to be (NOTE: using the CONCAT() function will only work with 2012+ unless you change the string concatenation to use the + operators).
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_tablecheck]
--Scan through all tables to identify all tables in the specified database with columns that have the provided string
--Stephen B
@name nvarchar(200)
,@db nvarchar(200) = 'master'
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000) = CONCAT('
SELECT concat(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(col.object_id,DB_ID(''',@db,''')),''.'',object_name(col.object_id,DB_ID(''',@db,'''))) AS [Table Name]
, AS [Column]
FROM ',@db,'.sys.columns col
LEFT JOIN ',@db,'.sys.objects ob
ON ob.object_id = col.object_id
WHERE LIKE CONCAT(''%'',''',@name,''',''%'')
AND ob.type =''U''
ORDER BY [Table Name] ASC
,[Column] ASC')
EXECUTE (@sql)
s.[name] 'Schema',
t.[name] 'Table',
c.[name] 'Column',
d.[name] 'Data Type',
d.[max_length] 'Max Length',
d.[precision] 'Precision',
c.[is_identity] 'Is Id',
c.[is_nullable] 'Is Nullable',
c.[is_computed] 'Is Computed',
d.[is_user_defined] 'Is UserDefined',
t.[modify_date] 'Date Modified',
t.[create_date] 'Date created'
from sys.schemas s
inner join sys.tables t
on s.schema_id = t.schema_id
inner join sys.columns c
on t.object_id = c.object_id
inner join sys.types d
on c.user_type_id = d.user_type_id
where like '%ColumnName%'
This here will give you a little extra information about the schema, tables and columns that you may or may not choose to use extra conditions in your where clause to filter on. For example, if you only wanted to see the fields which must have values add
and c.is_nullable = 0
You could add other conditionals, I also added the columns in the select clause in this vertical manner so it was easy to reorder, remove, rename, or add others based on your needs. Alternately you could search for just tables by using T.Name. Its very customisable.
i have just tried it and this works perfectly
Only change YourDatbaseName to your database and YourcolumnName to your column name that you are looking for the rest keep it as it is.
Hope this has helped
We can also use the following syntax:-
It works
If you simply want the table name you can run:
If you want the Schema Name as well (which in a lot of cases you will, as you'll have a lot of different schemas, and unless you can remember every table in the database and where it belongs this can be useful) run:
and finally if you want it in a nicer format (although this is where the code (In my opinion) is getting too complicated for easy writing):
note you can also create a function based on what I have:
It is worth noting that the concat feature was added in 2012. For 2008r2 and earlier use + to concatenate strings.
I've re-formatted the proc a bit since I posted this. It's a bit more advanced now but looks a lot messier (but it's in a proc so you'll never see it) and it's formatted better.
This version allows you to have it in an administrative database and then search through any database. Change the decleration of
to whichever you want the default database to be (NOTE: using the CONCAT() function will only work with 2012+ unless you change the string concatenation to use the+
operators).This here will give you a little extra information about the schema, tables and columns that you may or may not choose to use extra conditions in your where clause to filter on. For example, if you only wanted to see the fields which must have values add
You could add other conditionals, I also added the columns in the select clause in this vertical manner so it was easy to reorder, remove, rename, or add others based on your needs. Alternately you could search for just tables by using T.Name. Its very customisable.