Sorry, thought i edited to say i am on windows 64 bit When trying to install Pygame using pip, I get the following error:
"requirement 'pygame.whl' looks like a file name, but the file does not exist pygame.whl is not a valid wheel filename."
I have my file paths right and pip is working. I have attempted to install 32 bit and 64 bit pygame but neither is working. In the command prompt I enter "pip install pygame.whl" (I renamed the file which I don't think should matter and it is saved under downloads).
How can I resolve this error?
Thankyou so much for your help ventsyv, i finally figured it out. i believe it was an issue with the installer from pygames site. i found another site with a link to pygame and specifically for python 3.4.2. i now have no error messages and its working great. Thanks for putting up with me haha.
It seems there is no PyPi package for pygame. On Ubuntu / Debian you should be able to simply do:
Should be similar for other package managers on other distros.
On windows, use the download the provided installer: