I need to get a spinning loader to show when my application is busy.
I found a few posts suggesting the MediaElement is the best way to go. I have the following that displays the ajax-loader.gif on the designer. However, when I run the application, the MediaElement doesn't show anything.
<MediaElement Source="file:images/ajax-loader.gif" LoadedBehavior="Play" Visibility="Visible" />
And not sure if this is a related problem, but from the designer, the Source dropdown isn't picking up my images (Build Action = Resource for them). So I manually specified the file which allows it to show in the designer. However, at runtime, the image disappears.
If I specify the image in a static location it works in design and runtime.
<MediaElement Source="file:/temp/ajax-loader.gif" LoadedBehavior="Play" Visibility="Visible" />
So clearly, even thought I have the Build Action = Resource for my images, they are not getting picked up by the MediaElement. I even tried simply...
<MediaElement Source="ajax-loader.gif" LoadedBehavior="Play" Visibility="Visible" />
How can I use a MediaElement to show an animated GIF that is loaded as a Resource?
It turns out MediaElement Source property can't pull a Resource per this article...
My solution is...
And set the Build Action = Content...