I have a Ubuntu server and PHP5, and the PHP script files, and all output are in UTF-8. I'm trying to send an image to the output stream, but just garbled chinese characters shows up in the output:
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(120, 20);
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, 'A Simple Text String', $text_color);
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
any suggestions?
Your code works perfectly fine on my machine :
Are you sure you are not outputing anything before or after that code ? Even any kind of whitespace would be a source of troubles.
Or maybe your script is doing something else somewhere ?
If it still doesn't work, maybe trying with
, to use a "better" / more complete font than the ones used byimagestring
might help ?Using something like this, for instance :
BTW, did you try without those line :
If there is an error/warning/notice, removing those lines might help you seeing those.
And, as a sidenote : using JPEG for images that contain some text generally doesn't give great results, as JPEG is a destructive compression mechanism. Using PNG, in that kind of situation, might get you better results ;-)
Try removing the UTF-8 byte order mark, because it gets prepended to the contents of your JPEG image, rendering it invalid.