Following advice, I'm planning to log errors from several time critical python processes (clients) to a single logging process (server). SysLogHandler seems to be the correct choice as it uses UDP (I rather be system-agnostic) and does not wait for any confirmation, and as I'm using localhost
so there should practically be no loss of logs.
However, I'm unclear as to how I should implement the server side on two accounts:
- Should I simply open a
the log as text? - Is there a way to handle the error as a log on the server side, thus printing it using other
? Or is it just plain strings at that point?
A nice use-case would be for the time critical processes to send errors to the logging process which in turn would use SMTPHandler to send these errors via email...
Well, to continue with advices ( ;) ), take a look to rsyslog, this is the most powerfull syslog server I know. It support threaded logging facilities, massive load and mail sending.