I'm using the macro-heavy scala-pickling
along with shapeless
, and I keep crashing the Scala 2.10.3 compiler with an apparent out of memory error.
The tail of the error message looks like this:
[error] <tpt> // tree.tpe=tasks.anonfun$218
[error] Block( // tree.tpe=Unit
[error] Apply( // def <init>(): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 in class AbstractFunction1, tree.tpe=scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1
[error] SimpleMiddlebury$$anonfun$218.super."<init>" // def <init>(): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 in class AbstractFunction1, tree.tpe=()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1
[error] Nil
[error] )
[error] ()
[error] )
[error] )
[error] )
[error] == Expanded type of tree ==
[error] ConstantType(value = Constant(anon$326))
[error] uncaught exception during compilation: java.io.IOException
[error] Cannot allocate memory
I'm monitoring my system memory, and there's plenty, so if this is really a problem with memory allocation, I'm guessing there's some JVM flag I can set somewhere to make the problem go away.
However, I have tried increasing the available memory, by adjusting the heap setting in paulp's sbt script to -Xmx8g
, and I still get this error.
Is this the right flag?
EDIT: I added the "scala-pickling" and "shapeless" tags, because this is something other users of those libraries may have encountered.
in your sbt installation directory lives a file ./bin/sbt
update the -Xss settings in this file to a higher threshold. Setting it to -Xss8M was enough for my shapeless stack overflow compilation issues to go away