I'm looking a component that is able to draw 3-dimensional images based on 3-dimensional points.
Example (See 3D Plot): http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=abs%28x%29+%2B+abs%28y%29
In my application I have points containing the coordinates for the x-,y-, and the z-axis. I'm looking for a usage like this:
The possibility to define the view angle would be nice as well. Is there any open source component available? (Can't be a commercial license, because the project is a student project)
Winforms Application
If you have a component for displaying bitmap (or SVG) then you can use MathGL plotting library (GPL, LGPL for core) for producing such bitmap (or SVG file) with graphics.
We ended up using ILNumerics.Net: http://ilnumerics.net/
It has the ability to draw nice 3D-Plots, but the rotating / zoom function is buggy and might result in a buggy redraw.
There is also a problem with disposing / reusing the control that results in NullReferenceException in the internal code of the 3D-Component, after ~10-20 redraws. (We ended up "fixing" this, by an ugly trial and error approach with try / catch and so on)
I posted some pictures of the finished project here: http://www.tomot.de/projekte/c-sharp-funktionsplotter The second gallery from the top are 3D-plots made using ILNumerics.Net
Edit Jan 2012: The developers decided to go commercial: http://ilnumerics.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/226/ilnumerics-goes-commercial-