today, I found GET/estimates/price end point have a change, surge_multiplier disappeared, is to say, price has been fixed, no more surge?
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Surging is based on the particular location and product setup - so if you try following request for example:
If you try it for different location:
You will get response without 'surge_multiplier' parameter:
For more info on surging please read our documetation
EDIT done on 02/15/2018:
If you are using v1.2 request - response we are getting is based on the product setup. If the product used in the estimate request is configured to have "upfront_fare_enabled": true then we will get one fare_id - instead of estimate. So this is expected as in v1.2 with upfront_fare_enabled: true there will never be surge information (as you get a real fare + fare_id).
Please check following sentence from our documentation on "POST /v1.2/requests/estimate" endpoint:
So the response you are getting back depends on product configuration specifically: "upfront_fare_enabled" field. If there is upfront fare setup (upfront_fare_enabled = true) then there will not be "surge_confirmation_href" available in the response - and response type will be one "fare": {} response - example of this is below:
As you can see there is no "surge_confirmation_href" available.
If your product has "upfront_fare_enabled": false you will get estimate response with surge_confirmation_id and surge_confirmation_href as shown below:
And finally, if you update the product to have "surge_multiplier" > 1 and product have "upfront_fare_enabled = true" you will get "fare" response - but you will not know that surging is in place - until you do ride request. In this case, you will get the response with: "status": 409 and "title": "Surge pricing is currently in effect for this product." and "surge_confirmation" info that contains "href": "". So in order to complete your ride request - you need to redirect your user to that URL - and user needs to confirm surging. After that, you will be able to create new ride request.