I put label inside table cell. I changed the text color into "White" in Attributes inspector. I also changed the label background color into "Green".
When I run the app, the text color does not change into white color but background changed to green. I also put the code.
cell.lblName.textColor = UIColor.white
I declare this @IBOutlet weak var lblAllowAutoRenew: UILabel! in MediaPackListCell.swift file.
In TableView.swift,
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "planCell",for: indexPath) as! MediaPackListCell
cell.lblAllowAutoRenew.textColor = UIColor.white
Each cell has detail disclosure.
Nothing is working .... :(
This case is so strange for me. I dragged the label into UI and select the label and then change the color. But, it does not work.
Could anyone help me please?
Try replacing line below
And make sure you are using right reuse identifier "planCell" , which you have used for Tablecell.swift