I am trying to use a completion handler in a for loop. The problem is that it will keep running the loop before the completion handler returns since it is an async call. Attached is my code. Do I need to use GCD? I am new (obviously)to swift/ios. Any advice would be much appreciated. Bob
for srcTerm in sFields { //search using all search fields
multiQuery (searchTerm: srcTerm) {
if srResult.count < self.lastValue {
self.lastValue = srResult.count
self.lastSearch = srcTerm
// Do more stuff
func multiQuery (searchTerm: String, completion: @escaping ([PFObject]) -> ()) {
var exArray = [PFObject] ()
let query = PFQuery(className: "searchLinks")
do {
query.whereKey("searchTerms", equalTo: searchTerm)
query.findObjectsInBackground (block: { (objects, error)-> Void in
if let error = error {
print("Error Generated: ",error)
if let objects = objects {
// do stuff
} // end of function
You could use DispatchGroups, here's an example (taken from https://medium.com/@wilson.balderrama/how-to-use-dispatchgroup-gdc-with-swift-3-35455b9c27e7. Similar to GCD with nested Parse Queries but updated to Swift 3 API):
Using your code: