I have created a sample in Windows 8 using C# and XAML to get user info of my system which includes Name, Email Id, Photo of my User Login. I am able to get Name and image but I am not able to get Email Id. My system is logged in by my hotmail id. Following is the code: how can I achieve to get email id?
string displayName = await UserInformation.GetDisplayNameAsync();
string Emailid = await UserInformation.GetPrincipalNameAsync();
StorageFile image = UserInformation.GetAccountPicture(AccountPictureKind.LargeImage) as StorageFile;
In Email id I am getting blank. How to fix it?
@seshuk had given you the correct answer, from the MSDN documentation
A Hotmail id, by definition, would not be a domain user. Additionally, you'd need a company account to publish such an app, since it requires the enterprise authentication capability.