I am triggering this function in my cloud code. Before I added the returns and the batch lines, everything worked but it was getting errors for missing return promises and the writes were taking very long to write.
After following some of these videos here I tried correcting the return promises, but now the function is not working at all
I am coming from swift background and am not familiar with javascript much. I have tried the following code
exports.updateFeeds = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const newValue = change.after.data();
const oldValue = change.before.data();
const uid = newValue.uid;
var userRef = db.collection("users").doc(uid);
var authorRef = db.collection("users").doc(newValue.creatorUid);
var postRef = db.collection("posts").doc(newValue.postId);
var resharedRef = db.collection("resharedPostPopularities").doc(newValue.postId);
var feedRef = db.collection("feedItems");
let followers = [];
if (newValue.wasViewed && !oldValue.wasViewed) {
authorRef.get().then((doc) => {
let data = doc.data();
let postview_count = data.postViewCount;
return authorRef.update({
postViewCount: Number(postview_count) + 1
}).then(() => {
return userRef.collection('viewedPosts').doc('content').update({
postIds: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(newValue.postId)
}).then(() => {
postRef.get().then((doca) => {
let datap = doca.data();
let postresh_count = Number(datap.reshareCount);
let postview_count = Number(datap.viewCount) + 1;
if (newValue.wasReshared) {
postresh_count = postresh_count + 1;
let popu = (postresh_count / postview_count) || 0;
if (postview_count * postresh_count == 0) {
popu = 0;
return postRef.update({
viewCount: postview_count,
popularity: popu,
reshareCount: postresh_count
}).then(() => {
postRef.collection('views').doc('content').get().then((docr) => {
if (typeof docr.data() == 'undefined') {
return postRef.collection('views').doc('content').set({
uids: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(uid)
else {
return postRef.collection('views').doc('content').update({
uids: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(uid)
if (newValue.wasReshared) {
postRef.collection('reshares').doc('content').get().then((elon) => {
console.log('elon is');
if (typeof elon.data() == "undefined") {
return postRef.collection('reshares').doc('content').set({
uids: [uid]
else {
return postRef.collection('reshares').doc('content').update({
uids: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(uid)
userRef.collection('followers').doc('content').get().then((doc) => {
let data = doc.data();
if (typeof data.uids != 'undefined') {
followers = data.uids;
console.log('followers is:');
}).then(() => {
let rep = 0;
let validis = [];
let batch = db.batch();
followers.forEach((fol) => {
if (fol != newValue.creatorUid && fol != uid) {
feedRef.where('postId', '==', newValue.postId).where('uid', '==', fol).get().then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.empty) {
console.log('No feed with post ' + newValue.postId + ' and user ' + fol);
// here we want to add the batch for this write
batch.set(feedRef, {
createdAt: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
uid: fol,
creatorUid: newValue.creatorUid,
postId: newValue.postId,
isResharedPost: true,
wasViewed: false,
wasReshared: false,
wasLiked: false,
wasDirectlyShared: false
batch.commit().then((res) => {
console.log(rep + ' out of ' + followers.length);
if (rep == followers.length) {
console.log('finally its ' + followers.length);
resharedRef.get().then((docr) => {
if (typeof docr.data() == 'undefined') {
console.log('docr unexists');
return resharedRef.set({
popularity: popu,
uids: validis
else {
console.log('docr exists');
let datar = docr.data();
let datar_uids = datar.uids;
let c = datar_uids.concat(validis.filter(function (item) {
return datar_uids.indexOf(item) < 0;
return resharedRef.update({
popularity: popu,
uids: c
resharedRef.get().then((docr) => {
console.log(typeof docr.data());
if (typeof docr.data() != 'undefined') {
return resharedRef.update({
uids: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(newValue.uid)
Okay i see your problem here and correct me if I'm wrong, your current format is like this:
This style of promise writing will fail because you shouldn't nest your promises like that.
It should look something like this:
Here is some of my code from one of my firebase functions that reverse geocodes addresses.