I have created several Three.js/Javascript demo applications that I'm experimenting with in my new Oculus Go. I'm trying to enable the Go Controller to do stuff in my applications, and according to the Oculus Developer Center, the best thing to do is to include OVRManager in my scene so I have access to that API. That sounds good, but for all the documentation (https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unity/latest/concepts/unity-ovrinput/) I can't see HOW to add OVRManager to my scene! I have not worked with Unity before, but from what I can tell in the documentation there shouldn't be any compatibility issues (should there?)
So what I'd think to do is something like:
<script src="OVRManager.js or something like that"></script>
and then call the functions I need, as I've done with OrbitControls.js and other external dependencies.
But for the life of me, Google searching is just sending me in circles. I see questions posed for C++ and C# but that's of no use to me. How do I get this API working in my Three.js scene? Where do I find it and is there some other way to include it?
Create a unity WebGL build and expose the API you need as public methods in a Unity Script you attach to a GameObject.
Then, you should be able to follow the directions at How to call Unity functions from javascript (copied below) on how to call those methods from your javascript code.
You may be able to use UnityScript, which is vaguely similar to JavaScript, to write the Script if you use an old version of Unity. As of this writing, Oculus recommends version 2017.4.11f1, which I think might still support UnityScript.
One major reason you see so much less UnityScript information is that Unity has been moving away from UnityScript, into only supporting C#.
But regardless of if you code your OVRManager script in C# or UnityScript, Unity will make the methods callable from your JavaScript.