A couple of days ago I posted a question in order to find out how i could write a code that let me communicate between a function workbook and a input/table workbook. I was graciously helped by @DarthSpeedious to come up with a code that returned the correct value after computing in another workbook.
However, it only returned a single calculation. In order to try to loop the code that I was helped with the last time, I tried to create an array for one of the input variables to use as an counter for the loop process. Upon running the code, VBA keeps freezing up on me, and thus I have no way of debugging the code. I've tried several different ways of constructing both the array and the loop argument but none has been successful.
Can anyone please help me?
Public Sub Decompact()
' Gets input from another workbook
Dim wb1 As Workbook ' Declaring wb1 and wb2 as variable of type Workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("decompaction along exmpleline.xlsx") 'Note: In order to access data from another workbook, it should be open.
Set wb2 = ThisWorkbook 'ThisWorkbook: refrence to the workbook having this code
'Setting up array for y1
last_row = Range("U3").End(xlDown).Row
Dim y1()
ReDim y1(last_row - 2, 1)
'Storing values in array
For i = 3 To last_row - 2
y1(i, 0) = Range("U" & i + 2)
'Looping decompaction
For z = LBound(y1) To UBound(y1)
wb1.Sheets("Shaly sst").Range("B3") = wb2.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("U" & i + 1) 'Accept input of variable y1 in Ui and store it in cell B3 of book1
wb1.Sheets("Shaly sst").Range("B2") = wb2.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("V" & i + 1) 'Accept input of variable y2 in Vi and store it in cell B3 of book1
wb2.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AC" & i + 1) = wb1.Sheets("Shaly sst").Range("H3") 'Output from book1 in H3 to a cell ACi in book2
Next z
End Sub
Figure resource: https://db.tt/AxFG9snn
nvm, figured it out:
Thanks again to DarthSpeedious for his help!