Edit: It looks like my main problem now is that I can't seem to display async data from an object. I have a promise containing the data object, and when I use
{{ data | async }}
it will display
[object Object]
The issue is, I want to be able to display all the different attributes; i.e, Name, Symbol, etc. In Angular 1, I would just use
{{ data.Name | async }}
but that doesn't work here, since the async pipe tries to resolve the data.Name promise, which doesn't exist. I want to resolve the data promise and then display the Name key from it. At the moment, I'm working on creating my own pipe to display a key from an async object, but I'm wondering if there's a built-in Angular 2 pipe or function to handle this!
I've created a StockService class that returns a Promise containing an object to my StockInfo class, which contains the HTML to be displayed. I want to display the name of this object in my HTML, but I can't seem to get it to display.
In my StockInfo constructor:
this.stock.getStockData(this.ticker, http).then(function(val) {
this.data = val;
this.name = new Promise<string>(function(resolve) {
where this.stock is the StockService object.
In my HTML:
<h2>{{name | async}}</h2>
I've tried a number of different arrangements before settling on this one. I want the StockService class to handle the data fetching and the StockInfo class to handle the display. In Angular 1, I would create a factory for fetching data and handle the data processing in the controller, but I'm not quite sure how to go about this in Angular 2.
Is there a way to get it to display, or are there better ways to design my code that I should look into? Thanks!
You do not need any special pipe. Angular 2 suppport optional field. You just need to add ? in your object
There's nothing wrong with the accepted answer above. But it becomes a hassle to append
| async?
when we need to display many properties of the object. The more convenient solution is as follows:I think you are making this too complex, and just need to do something like this.
So I ended up writing my own asynchronous key pipe. Huge thanks to Simon for helping guide me here.
Someone please comment if Angular has its own functions for resolving a key from an asynchronous object.
If you work with Observable you can display data like this way:
You can also use pluck from rxjs/observable:
Pluck Returns an Observable containing the value of a specified nested property from all elements in the Observable sequence. If a property can't be resolved, it will return undefined for that value.