I have some problems using Psychtoolbox Screen and Textwindow... For my experiment I want to give an instruction at the beginning. I used something like this: % Draw text in the middle of the screen in Courier in white
Screen('TextSize', window, 20);
Screen('TextFont', window, 'Courier');
DrawFormattedText(window, 'Hello World', 'center', 'center', white);
And the other basic Screen definitions. The problem is: The text is not fully shown. I tried different sizes and set the Font to Times, but it is always the same - every letter is only displayed 3/4 (ca)...
What could be the problem? Would be very nice if someone can give me a hint...
I found the problem... Just a dumb mistake in my long Code. I have set the Font and Size of Text earlier, and this interfered with this new text features. Nevertheless, thank you for your help!
Can you describe what you mean by 'every letter is only displayed 3/4 (ca)"? The code you posted looks correct. For example, here is that code, with the addition of some set-up routines, and taking and saving a screenshot as "testImage.png", with the screen shot attached.