I need the following C# code to be translated to a valid Entity Framework 6 expression:
(f => f.GetType().GetProperty(stringParamter).GetValue(f).ToString() == anotherStringParameter)
This guy did it for the "Order By" part, but i cant seem to figure it out for the "where" part...
Generically speaking what i am trying to achieve here is a form of dynamic query where the user will "pick" properties to filter in a "dropbox", supply the filter-value and hit query... usually people do like f => f.TargetProp == userValue
but i can't do that when i dont know which one it is...
Have you considered using the Dynamic Link Library? It allows you to compose expressions as strings instead of lambda expressions.
I've been keeping an updated version of Microsoft's Dynamic Linq example at https://github.com/NArnott/System.Linq.Dynamic in case you are interested, and it's also available on NuGet.
You need to construct the expression tree that represents the access to the property:
This allows you to write: