I've created a simple empty AWS Lambda function using .Net Core 2.1 :
Here is the folder structure :
(here is the csproj)
And a FunctionHandler which gets DI and invoke some dummy method :
Now let's run the "Mock Lambda Test Tool" , we can see that it works :
So where is the problem?
I've read here that 2.2 is supported :
This means you can now author Lambda functions using .NET Core 2.2 and .NET Core 3.0 preview. Amazon.Lambda.RuntimeSupport is available as source code on GitHub, or as a NuGet package.
And so , I've created a new empty lambda project but with 2.2 :
- Here are the changes in the CSPROJ file
- And here are the changes in the aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json file
Same code. But now when I run "Mock Lambda Test Tool" , I get an error :
AWS .NET Mock Lambda Test Tool (0.9.2) Unknown error occurred causing process exit: Failed to find a deps.json file at Amazon.Lambda.TestTool.Runtime.LocalLambdaRuntime.Initialize(String directory) in E:\JenkinsWorkspaces\Lam\LambdaSandboxCoreCLRApi\Tools\LambdaTestTool\Amazon.Lambda.TestTool\Runtime\LocalLambdaRuntime.cs:line 50 at Amazon.Lambda.TestTool.Program.Main(String[] args) in E:\JenkinsWorkspaces\Lam\LambdaSandboxCoreCLRApi\Tools\LambdaTestTool\Amazon.Lambda.TestTool\Program.cs:line 46 Press any key to exit
Here is the error :
Why is that? I didn't have any deps.json
file in 2.1 .
So why do I need it in 2.2 ?
Also, what is this path appearing in the error: E:\JenkinsWorkspaces
... ?
I don't have Jenkins nor something like it.
Well, I've found out the reason for this (I don't know why it happened at first place) but here it is. Bear with me.
When I've created a 2.1 lambda project, everything was OK. ( obviously)
The problem was with 2.2 projects ( targeting 2.2 & nugets of 2.2). (which shows the error as I show in my question)
So then I thought, what if I'll create a 2.1 project and then update(!) its nugets and change target to 2.2 ? .........it worked!
This was really weird. Because I expected it not to.
So then I thought, let's compare file system for a 2.2 project (which doesn't work), with a 2.1 project that was updated to a 2.2 project (which does work, surprisingly).
On the right side, it's the strict 2.2 projects (no update), on the left it's the project that was UPDATED to 2.2 :
I've noticed some .Net core 2.1 files that were in the upgrade but weren't in the strict 2.2 version, so I thought, how can I get those missing files ?
So I've changed (temporarily) the project target to 2.1 :
Then I've run build
This caused the files for the 2.1 folders to appear :
And now ............. , all OK !!! :