I wonder if there is any way to speed up reading an Excel file with powershell. Many would say I should stop using the do until, but the problem is I need it badly, because in my Excel sheet there can be 2 rows or 5000 rows. I understand that 5000 rows needs some time. But 2 rows shouldn't need 90sec+.
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.Visible = $true
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.open($Path)
$Sheet1 = $Workbook.Worksheets.Item(test)
$URows = @()
Do {$URows += $Sheet1.Cells.Item($Row,1).Text; $row = $row + [int] 1} until (!$Sheet1.Cells.Item($Row,1).Text)
$URows | foreach {
$MyParms = @{};
$SetParms = @{};
And i got this 30 times in the script too:
If ($Sheet1.Cells.Item($Row,2).Text){$var1 = $Sheet1.Cells.Item($Row,2).Text
I have the idea of running the $MyParms stuff contemporarily, but I have no idea how. Any suggestions?
Increase the speed of reading, but I have no clue how to achieve that without destroying the "read until nothing is there".
The speed is normal and I shouldn't complain.
Appending to an array with the
operator is terribly slow, because it will copy all elements from the existing array to a new array. Use something like this instead:Your
loop is basically a counting loop. The canonical form for such loops isso I changed the loop accordingly. Of course you'd achieve the same result like this:
but that would just mean more code without any benefits. This modification doesn't have any performance impact, though.
Relevant in terms of performance are the other two changes:
method for assigning values to the hashtable prevents the code from raising an error when a key already exists in the hashtable.$URows
.Don't use Excel.Application in the first place if you need speed. You can use an Excel spreadsheet as an ODBC data source - the file is analogous to a database, and each worksheet a table. The speed difference is immense. Here's an intro on using Excel spreadsheets without Excel