I want to consolidate my PHP files into a common class file, but I am not sure how to call the function instead of the .php page. How can I call sendEmail() in the form section of my HTML page?
<form action="form_class.php" id="frmAirport" method="post">
Full Name: <span style="white-space: pre;">
</span><input name="name" type="text" /><br /><br />
Email Address: <input name="email" type="text" /><br /><br />
Subject: <span style="white-space: pre;">
</span><input name="subject" type="text" /><br /><br />
<textarea id="txtComments" cols="30" rows="10">Comments</textarea><br />
<input type="submit" value="Send" />
function addPerson() {
//do stuff here
function sendEmail() {
//do some stuff here
I am not sure if I uderstand right, but to call function/method you can use hidden input:
AddPerson and sendEmail doesn't sounds they should be method of one class. Try to use classes only with method witch are related. To call method, you can define it as static, or you must make instance of class and then call method.
You can't call PHP functions directly. However, if the php file is formatted how you displayed here with only two functions you could pass a flag in as a POST field and have a logic block determine which function call based on that flag. It's not ideal but it would work for your purposes. However, this would force the page to refresh and you would probably have to load a different page after the function returns so you may want to simply implement this as an ajax call to avoid the page refresh.
Edit based on your comment (Using jQuery Ajax):
Well in this case, you can have your file contain the logic block to "route" the request to the right function and finally return the result.
I'll try to provide an option for what you want to do based on some simple jQuery. Say you have something like this:
Java Script:
PHP (inside ajax_handler.php)
You CAN'T. PHP runs on the server only. You can use a javascript AJAX call to invoke a php script on the server, or use a regular form submission, but directly invoking a particular PHP function from client-side html? not possible.