I have a contour below. As I wanted to extract all the pixels inside this contour and black out everything else to remove noise, I used cv2.pointPolygonTest for the purpose.
Below are the code I used to attempt to create the mask.
inside_or_not = np.zeros(img.shape[:2],dtype = np.int32)
for i in range(0,img.shape[0]):
for j in range(0,img.shape[1]):
inside_or_not[i,j] = cv2.pointPolygonTest(body_line,(i,j),False)
Only 2 points were found to be inside the point. On top of that, I expect the number of points lying on the contour, hence returning 0 from the cv2.pointPolygonTest should match the number of pixels defining the contour. However when I run sum(sum(inside_or_not == 0)), it does not match the No. of pixels on the contour. I also used mouse click to click a point obviously inside the contour and put that point into the test; but -1 is returned indicating the test failed.
I also used a approxPolyDP function to attempt to approximate the contour with less vertices. This time a bit more points were returned. However I have no idea why!
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Since you have a well defined contour, you can simply use
to detect the external contour, and draw the region inside it withdrawContour(..., CV_FILLED)
. Once you have the mask, you can usecopyTo
to copy only the parts of your original image according to the mask.Here an example, it's C++, but the porting to python is straightforward.