I am trying to plot a graph inside a qml generated window. Since i need to use QML for GUI ( client requirement). I manage to get the graph window inside QML, but its plotting nothing. I dont know my code is correct or not, please suggest, point me in the right direction.
#! /usr/bin/python
import os
import sys
from PySide import QtGui
from PySide import QtCore
from PySide import QtDeclarative
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
class Graph (QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeItem):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeItem.__init__(self, parent)
#----------- self.setFlag(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, False )
self.dataPlot = np.cos(np.linspace(0, 5 *np.pi , 1000))
self.graph = pg.PlotItem()
self.graph.plot( self.dataPlot, pen=(0,255,0))
self.graph.showGrid(x=True, y=True)
self.view = pg.GraphicsView()
#-------------------------------------- self.setCentralWidget(self.view)
mProxy = QtGui.QGraphicsProxyWidget(self)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
QtDeclarative.qmlRegisterType(Graph, 'myPyQtGraph', 1, 0, 'PyQtGraph')
view = QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeView()
rootObject = view.rootObject()
view.connect(view.engine() , QtCore.SIGNAL('quit()') ,app.instance( ) , QtCore.SLOT('quit()') )
import QtQuick 1.1
import myPyQtGraph 1.0
Rectangle {
id : page
width: 900
height: 400
color: "#343434"
PyQtGraph {
id: angleGraphID
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
topMargin: 50
leftMargin: 50
width: 800
height: 300
//color: "#f5deb3"
Text {
id: text_Heading
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
topMargin: 20
leftMargin: 50
text: qsTr("PyqtGraph QML Test")
font.pixelSize: 12
this is what i am getting right now:
My best guess is that the problem is related to this bug: http://srinikom.github.com/pyside-bz-archive/932.html
However it only appears to be a problem within the QML context, as PySide works fine outside of QML. You can work around the problem by commenting out the 'itemChange' method in pyqtgraph/graphicsItems/GraphicsObject.py.