I'm in the UK and am using a Kendo MVC Gantt chart as follows:
@(Html.Kendo().Gantt(Of IMS2_App.JobTasksVM, IMS2_App.Models.Dependency)().Name("gantt") _
columns.Bound("start").Title("Start Date").Format("{0:dd MMM yyyy}").Width(90).Editable(True)
columns.Bound("end").Title("End Date").Format("{0:dd MMM yyyy}").Width(90).Editable(True)
End Sub) _
views.WeekView(Function(yearView) yearView.Selected(True))
End Sub) _
.DataSource(Function(d) d.Read(Function(read) read.Action("ReadTasks", "Job", New With {.id = Model})).Model(Sub(m)
m.Id(Function(f) f.id)
m.ParentId(Function(f) f.ParentID)
m.OrderId(Function(f) f.OrderID)
m.Field(Function(f) f.Expanded)
End Sub).Update(Function(u) u.Action("UpdateTask", "Job")) ))
All is working fine until I attempt to update the database via the AJAX post. My datepickers are correctly working in a UK-centric way based on the underlying data, however when posting updates the dates seem to be validated against US calendar (ie MM/dd/YYYY) and the dates are returned under a US interpretation.
I see this issue has been noted for the DatePicker widget here but I don't know how to fix this issue in the Gantt HTML Helper.
Any ideas?
I put this issue to Telerik support and they referred me to http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/aspnet-mvc/globalization. My crucial omission was the following in the _Layout.vbhtml:
Once included (together with the appropriate culture file in my JS bundle) the problem was solved.