I've written a code to copy the charts from a worksheet (in my excel workbook) to Ms-Paint and then saving the results.
Sub paintCharts()
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.ShapeRange.Group
End With
Dim path_Paint As String
Dim paintID As Variant
path_Paint = "C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe"
paintID = Shell(path_Paint, vbNormalFocus)
Call AppActivate(paintID)
Call SendKeys("^V")
End Sub
I am getting an error at the Call AppActivate(paintID)
further, I want to ask if by calling Call SendKeys("^V")
and then Call SendKeys("^S")
will do the job.
Does it need to be saved by paint? You can save charts themselves directly.
Just use
Though looking at the date, I assume you figured it out by now...