I am a newbie on Monotouch. Recently, I am working on a Monotouch binding project that binds a custom iOS framework that developed myself into a .NET framework library. I follow the instructions on Xamarin but currently I am having an issue that cannot be resolved. This is my code.
@interface GRG: NSObject {}
// Shared instance
+ (GRG*) sharedG;
// Preference class
@property (nonatomic, readonly) GRGPreferences *preferences;
// Driver version
@property (readonly,copy) NSString* driverVersion;
// More parameters...
@interface GRGPreferences : NSObject <GRGPreferencesProtocol>{}
// Enable DEBUG
@property BOOL debugEnabled;
// More parameters...
@protocol GRGPreferencesProtocol <NSObject>
// More parameters...
I convert my header file into this
[BaseType (typeof (NSObject))]
interface GRG
GRG SharedG{ get; }
GRGPreferences Preferences{ get;}
[Export("driverVersion", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
string DriverVersion {get;}
[BaseType (typeof (GRGPreferencesProtocol))]
public interface GRGPreferences
bool DebugEnabled{ get; set;}
[BaseType(typeof (NSObject))]
public interface GRGPreferencesProtocol
After that, I created a test app on mono to test the newly created library and get access to the values I created. However, I got an error.
Console.WriteLine(GRG.sharedG.DriverVersion); - This works fine. It returns the proper value.
GRGPreferences pref = GRG.SharedG.Preferences; - Error : "Cannot cast from source type to destination type."
Console.WriteLine(GRG.sharedG.Preferences.DebugEnabled); - Error : "Cannot cast from source type to destination type."
Can anyone please help me?
From a quick look I think this is what you want:
type inherits fromNSObject
while implementing the protocol you want.