Ok, last question for today I promise!
I have the following line of code that features a radio button list (radTopx)
ddlBuyer.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#tbxProdAC').val(''); $('#txtbxHowMany').val(''); $('#GridView1').remove(); $('#radTopx').attr('checked',false); ");
What I am trying to achieve is that when ddlBuyer is clicked, radTopx has all it's radio buttons unchecked.
I am obviously doing this incorrectly at present, please can someone pointout where I have gone wrong? Does this work differently in a radio button list to a standard radio button?
Where #radTopx represents the following radio button list :
RadioButtonList ID="radTopx"
encloses all your radio inputs. I'm assumingddlBuyer
is the id of something that gets clicked.We can't give an answer in regard to
since we don't know what it is.Thank you very much Carillonator, greatly appreciated.
The following code did the trick, I just need to add in the 'input'
ddlBuyer.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#tbxProdAC').val(''); $('#txtbxHowMany').val(''); $('#GridView1').remove(); $('#radTopx input').attr('checked',false); ");
Where #radTopx is the radio button list.