ID period fromdate todate Value
001 01/2012 02/01/2012 10/01/2012 AB
002 01/2012 05/01/2012 18/01/2012 AL
From the above table, i want to show the day wise output.
ID, Period should create from the table1, then remaining days column should generate from the period..
Date column should create as per the period,
For example
01/2012 means - 31 days column
02/2012 means - 29 days column
04/2012 means - 30 days column
I want to show the value days wise from table1
Expected Output
id period 1 2 3 4 5 ...10 11 12 ..18 19 ....31 total (Column Header)
001 01/2012 N AB AB AB AB .... AB N N.... N 31
002 01/2012 N N N N AL....AL AL AL...AL N .....N 31
AL, AB should match with from table1, remaining column should display as N, total means total days of the particular month.
How to do this in sql server.
Query Help expecting...
You'll need to adjust the date format to your locale, but I got this to work in SQL 2000 (USA date format):