I understand the .NET 4 Framework has caching support built into it. Does anyone have any experience with this, or could provide good resources to learn more about this?
I am referring to the caching of objects (entities primarily) in memory, and probably the use of System.Runtime.Caching.
Hope you are referring to System.Runtime.Caching of .Netframework 4.0
Below link is the good starting point: Here
MSDN article "ASP.NET Caching: Techniques and Best Practices" is a great start.
I've not made use of it myself, but if you're just caching simple objects in memory, you're probably referring to the MemoryCache class, in the System.Runtime.Caching namespace. There is a little example of how to use it at the end of the page.
Edit: To make it look like I've actually done some work for this answer, here's the sample from that page! :)
It's interesting because it shows that you can apply dependencies to the cache, much like in the classic ASP.NET cache. The big difference here is that you don't have a dependency on the System.Web assembly.
I assume you are getting at this,
, similar to theSystem.Web.Caching
and in a more general namespace.See http://deanhume.com/Home/BlogPost/object-caching----net-4/37
and on the stack,
is-there-some-sort-of-cachedependency-in-system-runtime-caching and,
Could be useful.
MemoryCache in the framework is a good place to start, but you might also like to consider LazyCache because it has a simpler API than memory cache and has built in locking as well as some other nice features. It is available on nuget:
PM> Install-Package LazyCache
I recently wrote this article about getting started with caching in dot net that you may find useful.
(Disclaimer: I am the author of LazyCache)