This is the main view which contains the draggable
items. In this view I have a ui:include
for including a UI fragment that also has the drop area.
<p:dataList id="outerList" var="varOuter" value="#{myVO.getOuterList()}">
<p:dataList id="innerList" var="innerVar" value="#{myVO.getInnerList()}">
<div class="crew-list">
<h:panelGroup id="draggableItem" layout="block">
<p:draggable for="draggableItem" opacity="0.5" scope="ab"
revert="true" helper="clone" appendTo="@(body)" zindex="4" >
<ui:include src="fragment.xhtml">
<ui:param name="param" value="#{paramVal}" />
<p:dataList id="list" var="pos" value="#{myVO.getPositions()}" rowIndexVar="rowIndex">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{!pos.isFilled()}">
<h:panelGroup layout="block" id="dropArea">
<span>Drop Here</span>
<p:droppable for="dropArea" hoverStyleClass="active"
scope="ab" datasource=":outerList:innerList">
<p:ajax listener="#{crewChangeVO.onDrop}" update="list" />
<f:attribute name="index" value="#{rowIndex}" />
Now the problem that I run into is that, I am unable to map the datasource
on the droparea correctly. Without datasource the drag-drop works but I don't get the data (dragged object) in my bean method and I need a way to know which object was dragged.
Would appriciate any input on how to achive this functionality.
Update Using a single(non-nested) dataList as the source with a form outside it works. But the problem is that it doesn't work for a nested list. So, for now I am proceeding with design changes and removing the nested list.