Has anyone been able to pass props to pages in Nuxt.js?
Typical Vue.js props can be passed as so:
// parent-component.vue
<child-component :basket-count="items.length"/>
import ChildComponent from './child-component'
export default {
data () {
items: [{}, {}]
components: {
childComponent: ChildComponent
// child-component.vue
<p>You have {{ basketCount }} items in your basket</p>
export default {
props: [
But when using the <nuxt />
tag in a layout default.vue
, props do not get passed to the children pages as they should.
Discussion has taken place already here, but the ticket appears to have no conclusion. I cannot yet troubleshoot a working means of achieving this.
Will post back, but curious to know thoughts from Nuxt.js devs on this?
you have to use camelCase in JavaScript part
To pass data between components of page, another way is to use a Vuex Store https://nuxtjs.org/guide/vuex-store/