Let say I want to draw a series where the first point represents the time 11:30 of november 5 2013. I want the time 11:30 to be the same if I look my chart with a browser in a different timezone. Hence I want useUTC=true. Now, how do I compute the value (milliseconds) to give to highcharts?
I tried with this python code:
>>> import datetime,time
>>> t=datetime.datetime(2013,11,5,11,30,00)
>>> time.mktime(t.timetuple())*1000
But if I plug the value 1383647400000.0 in highcharts I obtain a point with time 10:30 instead of 11:30.
Here is a the code reproducing the malfunctioning: http://jsfiddle.net/2BffA/6/
What am I doing wrong?
The problem was in the python code... The correct way to construct a UTC timestamp for 11:30 november 5, 2013 is
which is the correct timestamp to send to highcharts if useUTC=true