I'm attempting to build a very simple video player using the Youtube API for Android. So far I have one video (which can be clicked and played) and two thumbnails below it - my problem is: I need to figure out how I can (correctly) assign different videos to each thumbnail - then play them.
I've attempted assign the thumbnails so using:
public static final String VIDEO1_ID = "HNtBphqE_LA";
public static final String VIDEO2_ID = "YWteQj_q3Ro";
public static final String VIDEO3_ID = "Ak--L4bYly0";
But for some reason I get the correct thumbnail displayed and video played for both youTubeThumbnailLoader1 and youTubeThumbnailLoader2.
Any suggestions? I simply need to tweak/modify the code below to show unique videos/thumbnails (instead of the same one repeated multiple times as it is now) and play them.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
youTubePlayerView = (YouTubePlayerView)findViewById(R.id.youtubeplayerview);
youTubePlayerView.initialize(API_KEY, this);
youTubeThumbnailView1 = (YouTubeThumbnailView)findViewById(R.id.youtubethumbnailview1);
youTubeThumbnailView1.initialize(API_KEY, this);
youTubeThumbnailView2 = (YouTubeThumbnailView)findViewById(R.id.youtubethumbnailview2);
youTubeThumbnailView2.initialize(API_KEY, this);
youTubeThumbnailView1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View arg0) {
if(youTubePlayer != null){
youTubeThumbnailView2.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View arg0) {
if(youTubePlayer != null){
public void onInitializationFailure(Provider provider,
YouTubeInitializationResult result) {
public void onInitializationSuccess(Provider provider, YouTubePlayer player,
boolean wasRestored) {
youTubePlayer = player;
if (!wasRestored) {
public void onInitializationFailure(YouTubeThumbnailView thumbnailView,
YouTubeInitializationResult error) {
public void onInitializationSuccess(YouTubeThumbnailView thumbnailView,
YouTubeThumbnailLoader thumbnailLoader) {
youTubeThumbnailLoader1 = thumbnailLoader;
thumbnailLoader.setOnThumbnailLoadedListener(new ThumbnailLoadedListener());
youTubeThumbnailLoader2 = thumbnailLoader;
thumbnailLoader.setOnThumbnailLoadedListener(new ThumbnailLoadedListener());
private final class ThumbnailLoadedListener implements
YouTubeThumbnailLoader.OnThumbnailLoadedListener {
public void onThumbnailError(YouTubeThumbnailView arg0, ErrorReason arg1) {
public void onThumbnailLoaded(YouTubeThumbnailView arg0, String arg1) {
I think this may have to do with the fact I'm using youTubeThumbnailView1 and youTubeThumbnailView2 to create multiple thumbnails - however I have a feeling this might not be the correct way of doing so.
You didn't set the right video for your thumbnails. There is no difference inside each thumbnailView clickListener!
try something like this in your onCreate
Note: I see a lot of messy stuff in your code.
This part shows that you lack basic understanding of programming. You could simply just write:
which is clearly not what you intended. I guess you have to create different Listeners in your onCreate. Dont pass
inside theinitialze
method of your thumbnailViews and make the same switch I show you for the clickListener.Also Try to nail down the problem you have and post only relating stuff.